Barbara Marchetti

eCampus University

Barbara Marchetti graduated in Mechanical Engineering with 110/110 cum laude from Marche Polytechnic University and received my PhD in Mechanical Measurements for Engineering from the University of Padua. Since 2014, she is Associate professor in the field of industrial mechanical plants at eCampus University.

She has been consultant in the field of energy for the Italian senate and is permanent adjunct professor at Catholic University of America.

Author of numerous publications in national and international journals and conference proceedings. The scientific activity of the writer is characterized by a 'strongly interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral imprint.

With regard to environmental impact issues, she has devoted carried out researches related to the implementation of methodologies (Life Cycle Assessment, Integrated product Policy, Design For Environment) inherent to the assessment of sustainability and carbon footprint of production processes and products.

On the other hand, experience in the plant engineering field has focused particularly on the study and characterization of multiphase flows both numerically and experimentally with a focus on the study of issues related to CO2 transportation and sequestration.

Her scientific experience has been enriched by her participation, as a researcher, in several European projects and thanks to conventions with several private companies and public bodies.

Numerical/experimental study and characterization of multiphase flows Several research topics funded by Saipem and Eni have been carried out in this area, concerning the optimization and safety of gas and CO2 transport and storage phases.

She was part of the scientific committee of the Center for Care of Earth (ECCE) of School of Engineering at The Catholic University of America (CUA), and she was chairman of the first international workshop � The challenges of climate change� in November 2017; and part of the technical committee of the 2nd International Workshop: �Costal resilience challenges� in 2019;

she was also in the technical committee of the "Eleventh International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses, Pryzbyla Center, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA, 16-17 April 2019,

She is author of more than 70 publications in international peer review journals.